Here is a great quote my dear friend Ashley sent me awhile back I just visited again tonight and wanted to share. It's about moving forward with faith! Something so hard to do sometimes.
"So often we are tentative and don‘t move forward with conviction. We feel along our way as if we were afraid in the dark. It is so much better to turn on the light of faith and move ahead with energy and commitment. If our course is wrong, we will quickly recognize it and make the necessary adjustments. But if we pursue a course tentatively and indecisively, it is difficult to know whether it is right or wrong in time to correct it and make a difference. The Lord said, 'I would thou wert cold or hot' (Revelation 3:15). I hope we choose being active and being hot. We should decide now to make our decisions prayerfully and then move forward with faith, energy, and determination. As one novelist said, 'If you‘re going to have steam in the kettle, you‘ve got to have a fire in the stove' (Louis L‘Amour)."
(Living Life by Axioms by Robert D. Hales; 14 August 2003)